Monday, March 19, 2018

He is good...

Last week was Spring Break. This is usually our busiest week out of the year, and I love it! I was sad to be missing it, but Jesus showed me so much of His heart for the week.

He took me to the miracle of the feeding of the 5000. I have to admit, sometimes my mind gets full with trying to organise things when we have any more then 40 people come. It means lots more things have to be put in place and housing has to be very orgainised so no one is sleeping floor. I do love it when our house it full, and it gives me so much joy! But I can fall into panic too easily. 

But then I look at His truth.

In His word, 5000 people showed up and these 12 very ordinary men are asked to feed them. I don’t blame them for questioning Jesus about it, as it seemed so impossible when you look at it through the what the world is like without God. Yet, Jesus was standing right there, so why doubt? They were in the process of learning the true reality of Gods goodness and love. His love that feeds His people daily.

We then know the rest of this amazing testimony. The disciples found 5 loaves and two fish and fed the crowd of thousands. They did it through faith and with Jesus.

We averaged about 60 people per day last week. Teams from churches, youth groups and individuals, coming to serve Jesus alongside us in Downtown, Jackson. It was a beautiful opportunity to see Jesus feed these amazing volunteers. My prayer was for multiplication of His presence throughout Jackson and that each person takes their focus off the world and on to Jesus, listening to His truth. This prayer all came out from God talking to me about 'The feeding of the 5000'. 

Jesus then blessed me with a miracle to start the week. Each team met on the 11th at church for our weekly time of worship, word and breaking bread together in the form of a meal at the end of the service. An amazing team that we know well brought the food, and wasn’t quite aware how many people were going to be there! Panic started to arise in those who were hungry. There was very clearly not going to be enough food for everyone. Yet everyone prayed and the food was handed out. 

You might have already guessed the end of this story. The food was multiplied, each person got a whole plateful. Plus, there was two boxes of chicken leftover!

God is the God of miracles and I am so thankful for Him. For His faithfulness and kindness to us all. Today I am walking in a miracle and I am going to leave for London to then fly to Jackson tomorrow morning. I am going! This day has finally arrived and I am so thankful!

Thank you again to everyone who has prayed for me and has encouraged me! So much has been learnt in this journey and quitting wasn’t an option! (Although I had days where I felt like I wanted to – just being honest!) Having a family around me is such an overwhelming thing. I am a very blessed lady.

I will let you all know once I am there safe and sound. I will also keep updating this blog once I am back. 

Praying for you all! 

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