Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Heaven minded...

I am nearly 26 and facing the reality that I haven’t a penny to my name, not married and no children. I am truly out of those ‘teenage years’ and I can’t help think about my pension. What will I do when I am old?!? What am I doing with my life?! I am being totally vulnerable with you, many a times I think ‘time to get serious Ruth, get a job or even a degree and settle down.’

What am I called to? I am called to love the Lord with all my heart, soul and mind. What does love look like? Sorting out my finances and making sure I have security in my life? Making sure that when someone says, ‘so what do you do?’ I have a great answer. ‘Oh yes, well I am training to be a pre-natal surgeon with the top medical university in the world.’

I am called to Obey Him. I have been called to love on those in Mozambique. The widow, orphan, prostitute and pimp; the missionaries, the pastors, the visitors and guest speakers.

With this calling I don’t see myself getting a great credit score. My life is an adventure; I call it a joy to dance to the music.

May I never give up, focus on the wrong thing or decide my worth is in what my CV says about me. My life is all about Him and in all reality I couldn’t choose any other thing.

I am resting in faith, His plan and His truth.

If you read Job you can see that he is constantly fighting for what is right. There is no embarrassment or desire to just go with what his peers are saying to him. He was one that was truly dancing to the music in every circumstance.

My true desire for my life is to be holy, pure and oh so close to Him. I want to be heaven minded.What a joy it is to be called daughter.