My one year mark has been and gone. On the 26h July I
celebrated one year of living and serving here at We Will Go! I don’t know if I
could sum up this year if I tried to. It has been the most beautiful, God awing,
challenging, joyful, surprising year.

Once a week I wake up early to open the coffee shop. I am
outside my house about to drive off and I get stopped by Paul. Paul is a very
childlike man, who will always come at you with a big smile and can talk to you
for three hours without stopping. I love him a lot. He tells me that it is his
31st birthday. We celebrate together in that moment as he makes the
true statement that ‘he has made it’. He made it when others around him haven’t
done so. He has turned 31, and the exceeds his life expectancy. That day was a
true celebration of life.
I have seen a huge difference from when I first arrived, in
this city and in people that I know. I have seen teenagers go from acting out
of anger to having the softest heart. I have also seen those who are living on
the street and in abandoned houses, come and act crazy almost every day. Then
one day they just ‘get it’, and weep in their knowing that they need Jesus.
They are tired, and they can’t keep going.
Jesus has said the same to me many times. – He tells me I am tired with trying to keep going, without Him in certain areas. I have learnt that even when it comes to making breakfast, I can’t do that without Him. He must be my center to everything.
This year God has spoken to me through circumstances more
times than I could count. When we have someone yelling outside our building,
threatening to kill us, as he is on drugs and full of darkness, God reminds
that I would be like that man if I didn’t have Him in my life. If I was without
God, my shining light, I would be so dark. God shows me how to pray and how to
love time and time again. That man, a few months later walks past the coffee
shop as I am opening and has a pleasant conversation with me. He isn’t high on
anything and I get to see a glimpse of who this man was made to be.
Pray for this city with me. Pray for none of us to be fooled
into thinking that we can do anything without Him. May we walk deeper into that
fiery heart of His, not taking anything of our flesh with us.
This year I have been serving in Hospitality, mostly helping
with the organising and communication. I also host our amazing visitors while
they are here. I also joined the Hosea team at the start of this last year.
This part of the ministry is more focused on those who work in the local clubs.
I am also a house mum in the ‘Intern house’
As a daughter of the high king, God has placed me in those
positions not to ‘Do’ things for Him, like a slave. But to serve Him gladly,
while He shows me His heart. I feel like He does way more in me, than in other
around me. I then get to choose to step into that daily.
This last year has been beautiful, and I am excited for
another. I am excited to see what else God has planned.
Please keep praying for me in my time here. I appreciate your
prayers, and I know they move mountains! Take a look at my video from a couple
of months ago, talking more about my time here, plus my exciting trip to
Mozambique in November!
If you would like to purchase any We Will Go art products to
help with this trip, please simply state that in the notes when purchasing
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