My last few weeks, God has been teaching me about His goodness, particularly with how much of a good Father He is!
Some sweet visitors serving with us! |
He told me to start reading Exodus, looking at Moses. I looked deeper than I had ever looked before and in that I had so many questions. I asked why He gave Aaron, and not just told Moses to get over it, and preach. I asked why Pharaoh had to have a hard heart, and with that, why all the plagues. Why was that needed. Why was Aaron the person doing the miracles in the beginning?
He answered so many questions, and heart queries, relating to so much in my life.
He is good like that. There is so much fruit from going through the word with Him.
He is good like that. There is so much fruit from going through the word with Him.
He made me realise that He did all that He did, as He was nurturing His people. He had mercy on Moses and so gave him Aaron, to be his helping hand. But in that, you see how it went from Aaron talking and Aaron doing the miracles at God's command, to Moses doing it. He didn't fully know who he was, but as time went on, he got to see who His God is. Therefore, he found out who he is.
He showed me the same heart for His people when it came to the plagues. His people where in a slave mentality. They had been slaves for 430 years! However, the way that God set His people apart from the Egyptians each time He sent a plague was beautiful.
The first thing that they did when they left and got into the desert was complain. If they hadn't of had that foundation of - look what God just did for us! I am not sure what state they would have got into. Even for the sake of having Moses set up as a good leader.
I saw this father's heart melt one of our ten year olds this last week.
I saw this father's heart melt one of our ten year olds this last week.

This ten year old that has had to grow up way too fast, that has seen things he shouldn't, and has way too much anger that he knows what to do with. He was suddenly wrapped up in worship. Declaring the truth that our God, is a good good Father.
He stated that the song has stolen his heart. I think however, that he experienced God stealing his heart in that moment. That the Holy Spirit was embracing him with such truth.
He has been embracing me too.
He has been placing this truth in my heart, every time I forget. Each time I stop walking in the knowledge that I am His daughter, he pulls me back in. Each time I get worried about the future, or I let disappointment overtake, he sets my eyes back on His.
He has been placing this truth in my heart, every time I forget. Each time I stop walking in the knowledge that I am His daughter, he pulls me back in. Each time I get worried about the future, or I let disappointment overtake, he sets my eyes back on His.
God has had me on the floor in tears, praying for the fatherless nations in the world. Those who just don't know. Those in and out the church. Those who are not walking in truth and love. Those who have never had an earthy father, so they just don't know what a good father looks like.
Some of our children leading us in worship |
If you look at Luke 4 when Jesus was in the desert place, you see Him be a beautiful example of how to walk in such truth of who He is. I heard a teaching once on how Jesus' time in the desert was restoration for what happened in the garden of Eden. In this time of temptation, you can see how Jesus stood so firm on the truth of who His Father is. Because of this, He left the desert still full of the Holy Spirit. He was still full of the beauty and splendor of who He is.
I have found that if there is ever space between me and God, it is because I put it there.
Lord, I never want to forget who you are, and forget who I am in you. Thank you for the gift of worship that brings us back to truth every time. As we stare into your eyes of beauty, fire and love for us. Thank you that you are a 'Good Good Father'.
Please continue praying for me! Attached is the video I made two months ago, the prayer requests are the same!
- Visa
- Finances
- Missions trip to Mozambique in November for two weeks
- For Jackson!
Please do come and visit and see all place behind the stories, meet the people that walk out the testimonies and experience all that God is doing here!