Monday, April 7, 2014

Another week, where it's just one week....

Do I dare write this? I want to shout it from the rooftops, but I'm unsure if I can muster up the courage. My flight date is next Tuesday. Come the 15th April I might actually be getting on the plane to go back to where I call home. I know I have written many posts like this in the past so you might not believe me. I don’t know if I believe myself.

All bags are packed (and have been since Feb), my DIRE (residency card) and the letter for that are tightly together with my plane ticket and passport. I have a one-way ticket so going to be 100% in God’s hands for my return date. This is it. Wow. Still get nervous saying it. Not more GP visits, no more hospital stays. No more emergencies. All tropical illnesses are gone and I am getting stronger, and fatter. :)

This has been the craziest New-Year I have ever experienced, but I survived and have come out of the whole thing praising God once again for His goodness and faithfulness.

Pemba has recently been struck by a cyclone, the devastation from that has been horrific. People have sadly died from their houses falling on them during the night and many have lost every possession they had. Iris has opened up their church building for people to sleep in and are working with those locally to rebuild their houses and provide food.

Please be praying for Iris and the locals during this time. Pray for those suffering after losing loved ones and that disease that can come from flooding stay far away! Many have been getting dengue fever and malaria since the rivers and puddles have provided a perfect environment for mosquitoes.  

Ready to hit the ground running, ready to see my babies and friends from the villages again, ready to see my Iris family. I am even ready for rice and beans again. After just over 5 months, I am ready. I am surrendered to God, I willingly have given my live to him. I trust in His timing, and I am excited for the possibility that next week will be it!

Please pray for me during my traveling, that everything will run smoothly. Come the end of May I have to renew my DIRE once again, which is quite a big cost. So prayer for provision would be lovely. As well as continued good health and strength for this next season.

Thank you once again for all those who pray for me and cheer me on. I couldn’t do this without you all, who I call my family.

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