Monday, February 25, 2013

In His calling...

To all who read this,

I am now back in England and enjoying the comfort of life. Foods being easily available, not sweating 24 hours a day, hot baths and the quiet. Although it is very cold! (So cold the doctor couldn’t pick up a pulse from my cold hands!).

Coming from a place where a zip or a button on your clothes shows wealth and many are getting ill from Malaria and cholera daily during the rainy season. I am taking in what England has with a totally different perspective. God is reminding me that things that perish do not matter, but that which lives for eternity is what you must hold on to. Yes I do appreciate the comforts of England. Good food, pushing one button and on comes the television or music speakers for instant entertainment. However nothing will compare to what God has called me to. God has placed that so clearly on my heart. This small city of Pemba with lost women who are being told they are worthless and little children who are being abandoned and orphaned.

The day I was leaving happened to be the day I told most of my Mozambican friends I was going back to England to get some tests done. This was due to me only deciding to come back three days before. Everyone seemed so happy for me and generally cared. They told me to send their love to my family and were anxious to find out exactly when I will be coming back. With this I couldn’t help but thank God for all He has done. I am so blessed to be doing what I am doing. Each night that I have to stay up late and talk to one of my girls who needs help as she has a new pimp that may kick her out, which will leave her with nothing. I thank God for the honour of doing this. Yes I have the normal human feelings of being overwhelmed and very tired. I have those days where I dream of working a ‘normal’ 9-5 job. Then I am once again reminded, if I didn’t do this…what would I do? I wouldn’t be happy doing anything but what He has called me to.

Right now God has called me to rest and I feel very released in that. In this time please can you pray for Him to fill me up with His presence, healing and peace? As mentioned before I don’t know how many of you in England I will be able to see face to face. However please know that I think of you all often and even if we end up just having a conversation over the phone, that would be a big blessing!

Lots of love and prayers,

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