(Title from Kingdom Culture Worship)
There has been so many times that I have wondered at His great love. I have marvelled and almost can’t believe that God would love me to the extent that He does. The deeper I walk into His love, the more it changes me. God blows me away time and time again as He shows me His power and might through pure love. His name alone can move mountains and tell fear to leave.
It is because of this that I stand on His great love and all who He is.

This is because of God’s great love.
A while ago this boy asked everyone around “Do you love me?” or “why do you keep saying that you love me?”. This very thing was so new to Him and he was on the path to discovery of what love looks like.
Last week I went to this boy’s graduation from 5thgrade to 6th. At the end of the whole presentation the head master of the school stood up and said ‘this boy has been asking every teacher, “why don’t you say you love me?, we love you!” and we never had an answer. But today we say to you, all of you, we love you’.
This young man learnt what love looked like and took it to his school. He discovered that love is something you can have in every relationship and it’s needed! He saw a lack and questioned it.

Yet, it is His and I trust Him.
I trust Him with the children daily to teach, guide, love on and pull in deeper. They are His and I get to join in for the ride. When you see things like kids taking pure love to the schools, it makes everything so worth it!
There was a moment last week where I did feel overwhelmed, as I prayed for wisdom and guidance in it all. I prayed to be a good leader like King David, who did seek God in all things, and was great at repentance. But most of all, He did everything out of worship to God. I asked God for the guidance from Him. He gave me Psalm 27 and it blew me away as I read it with new eyesight.
What I want to leave you with today is the last part. As we all have the one person we are praying for, for the love of Jesus to touch them today. For God’s love to change a situations and places. We all need His love to change us too!
‘Here’s what I’ve learned through it all: Don’t give up; Don’t be impatient; be entwined as one with the Lord. Be brave, courageous, and never loose hope. Yes, keep on waiting – for He will never disappoint you!’
Psalm 27v14