Do I just do that? Do I go to university? Do I rather keep nannying and have a full time job with the same people? Where do I live? So many questions...

The pressure gets less and I learn to have peace in the daily adventures and in the not knowing.
I have managed to get myself a temporary nanny job for the next three weeks to help me until I am trained. I am loving working again, being challenged and learning daily. Making new friends and work contacts, building on my CV and living the 'London life'.
I am still processing everything that happened in Pemba, as well as the sadness of saying goodbye. Not being able to see my babies grow daily, or conquering the world as medical marvels. I know I can only do this through rest and time with my Lord, which I know God will provide as He does with all my other needs.
'One step at a time my love.'
I know this is only the beginning and with that knowledge, I am excited.
Pray for me as I try and write my findings as best as I can during this course, which will allow me to step into new territories. That I hear God as He leads and I find the rest I need to process all.
Thank you for your endless support and prayers during my 4 1/2 years away. I couldn't have done any of it without your cheering on and kind words.
Thank you